8606 Overflow 8283 p2 Overflow 8283 p1 Overflow 6252 Overflow 6198 Overflow 4835 Overflow 4797 p2 Overflow 4797 p1 Overflow 4684 p2 Overflow 4684 p1 Overflow 4562 p2 Overflow 4562 p1 Overflow 4255 Overflow Sch F p1 Overflow Sch E p2 Overflow Sch E p1 Overflow Sch D p2 Overflow Sch D p1 Overflow Sch C p1 Overflow Sch B Overflow Sch A Overflow 1040 p2 Overflow 1040 p1 Overflow 8615 - Tax for Children Under 14 8606 - Nondeduct. IRA Contributions 8598 - Deduct. Home Mortgage Interest p2 8598 - Deduct. Home Mortgage Interest p1 8582 - Passive Activity Loss Limits 8453 - ELF Signature Sheet 8283 - Noncash Char. Contrib. p2 8283 - Noncash Char. Contrib. p1 6781 - Section 1256 Gains&Losses 6252 - Installment Sale Income 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax 6249 - Windfall Profit Tax page 2 6249 - Windfall Profit Tax page 1 6198 - Section 465(c) Loss 5884 - Jobs Credit 5695 - Residential Energy Credit 5544 - Mult. Rec. Sp. 10-year Ave. p2 5544 - Mult. Rec. Sp. 10-year Ave. p1 5329 - IRA page 2 5329 - IRA page 1 4972 - Special 10-year Ave. p2 4972 - Special 10-year Ave. p1 4970 - Accumulation Dist. of Trusts 4952 - Investment Interest Exp. 4835 - Farm Rental Inc. and Exp. 4798 - Carryover Pre-1970 Cap. Loss. p2 4798 - Carryover Pre-1970 Cap. Loss. p1 4797 - Bus. Gains and Losses p2 4797 - Bus. Gains and Losses p1 4684 - Casualties and Thefts p2 4684 - Casualties and Thefts p1 4563 - Excl. of Inc. from U.S. Poss. 4562 - Depreciation and Amortization p2 4562 - Depreciation and Amortization p1 4469 - Excess Medicare Tax Credit 4255 - Recapture of Inv. Credit 4137 - SS on Unreported Tips 4136 - Credit for Gas and Sp. Fuels 3903F - Foreign Moving Expense 3903 - Moving Expense 3800 - General Business Credit 3468 - Investment Credit page 2 3468 - Investment Credit page 1 2555 - Foreign Earned Income p3 2555 - Foreign Earned Income p2 2555 - Foreign Earned Income p1 2441 - Child Care Credit 2210 - Underpymnt of Est. Tax p2 2210 - Underpymnt of Est. Tax p1 2119 - Sale of Your Home 2106 - page 2 2106 - Employee Bus. Expenses 1116 - Foreign Tax Credit p2 1116 - Foreign Tax Credit p1 Schedule SE long form Schedule SE short form Schedule R page 2 Schedule R page 1 Schedule F page 2 Schedule F page 1 Schedule E page 2 Schedule E page 1 Schedule D page 2 Schedule D page 1 Schedule C page 2 Schedule C page 1 Schedule B Schedule A 1040 page 2 1040 page 1 Form W-2 Summary Taxable Unempl. Compensation Taxable SS/RR Benefits Support Statement page 3 Support Statement page 2 Support Statement page 1 IRA Worksheet Earned Income Worksheet 8283 page 2 8283 page 1 Schedule 1 page 2 Schedule 1 page 1 1040A page 2 1040A page 1 W2 Income Info.